assault and battery

美 [əˌsɔːlt ən ˈbætəri]英 [əˌsɔːlt ən ˈbætəri]
  • n.殴打和侵犯人身(罪);袭击和暴力伤害(罪)
assault and batteryassault and battery


the crime of threatening to harm sb and then attacking them physically

assault and battery


  • 1
    N-UNCOUNT 暴力殴打(罪);人身攻击(罪)
    Assault and battery is the crime of attacking someone and causing them physical harm.


an assault in which the assailant makes physical contact
Synonym: battery


  1. Study on the criminal with civil action in assault and battery


  2. Ponder on Common Assault and Battery of English Criminal Law


  3. You 're being charged with assault and battery .


  4. The photographer was cited for two misdemeanor counts of assault and battery .


  5. They have two suspects , traces of assault and battery , but no corpse .


  6. For this incident , each sister incurred an additional charge of assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature .


  7. Point of view from the usual sense , robbery is a violation of property crime , but the inevitable assault and battery .


  8. His lifetime is lonely , not be to face politics put-up it is assault and battery .


  9. The babysitter , 22-year-old Alexis Khan , pleaded guilty to assault and battery last Monday in Charleston County Circuit Court .


  10. Physical efforts to oppose a lawful arrest ; the resistance is classified as assault and battery upon the person of the police officer attempting to make the arrest .


  11. However , as for the boundary of this crime and joint offence of assault and battery , to review the purpose of offence have a significant meaning in the criminal law practice .


  12. Human capital is fully equipped with a contribution in the form of three elements , and invested in human capital does not lead to limit the contribution of personal freedom and assault and battery phenomenon occurred .


  13. On the East Coast , Virginia Giuffre 's sexual assault and battery lawsuit against Prince Andrew is due in the middle of 2022 , her attorney David Boies told Sky News Wednesday .


  14. The offense from the point of view of reading codes , follow the crime of the fourth chapter of the assault and battery profit after provisions , and can even be seen as a turning point in a logical relationship .


  15. TIM : " Assault and battery and you hand me a sword in Shakespeare ? I didn 't think that was going to happen , not at all . I 'm glad they trust us , though . "


  16. However , the offense and the fifth chapter of other crimes , compared to a very important feature , namely , both violations of property rights , assault and battery , violations of the object , the violation of a double object .
